Your tax-deductible sponsorship is not only a great way to gain visibility for your company, reward your staff, or have a great day with friends; it's a great way of personally helping make a difference for our local children and community.

$10,000 DONATION
Listing as the presenting sponsor within the press release, website, banners, flyers, brochures, t-shirts, and any other promotional materials.
Listing as a sponsor for the Penny Hardaway District Golf Classic Summer Camp.
Mentions in commercials and/or public service announcements.
Invitation to the Early Bird Reception.
An opportunity to address attendees during the Awards Luncheon.
An opportunity to put promotional items in the participant gift bags.
Vendor table during the golf tournament.
Two teams of four including green fees and eight seats at the Awards Luncheon.
Prominent listing as the Early Bird Reception Sponsor on the website and during the event.
Listing as a sponsor within the press release, website, banners, flyers, brochures, t-shirt.
Invitation for 10 guests to the Early Bird Reception.
An opportunity to address attendees during the Early Bird Reception.
An opportunity to put promotional items in the participant gift bags.
Two teams of four including green fees and eight seats at the Awards Luncheon.

Early Bird Reception Sponsor (1)


Breakfast/Award Luncheon Sponsor (2-4)

Prominent listing as the Awards Luncheon Sponsor on the website and during the event.
Listing as a sponsor within the press release, website, banners, flyers, brochures, and t-shirt.
Invitation to the Early Bird Reception.
An opportunity to address attendees during the Breakfast/Awards Luncheon.
An opportunity to put promotional items in the participant gift bags.
Two teams of four including green fees and eight seats at the Awards Luncheon.
Listing as a sponsor within the website, flyers, social media page, brochures, and t-shirt.
Invitation to the Early Bird Reception.
An opportunity to put promotional items in the participant gift bags.
One tee-hole sponsorship with signage.
One team of four including green fees and four seats at the Awards Luncheon.


• Listing as a sponsor within the website, flyers, social media page, brochures, and t-shirt.
• Invitation to the Early Bird Reception.
• An opportunity to put promotional items in the participant gift bags.
• One team of four including green fees and four seats at the Awards Luncheon.
Prominent listing as the Early Bird Reception Gift Bag Sponsor on the website and during the event.
Company logo prominently placed on the gift bags being distributed to all the guests.
Listing as a sponsor within the press release, website, banners, flyers, brochures, and t-shirt.
Invitation for five guests to the Early Bird Reception.
An opportunity to address attendees during the Awards Luncheon.
An opportunity to put promotional items in the participant gift bags.
One team of four including green fees and four seats at the Awards Luncheon.

Early Bird Reception Gift Bag Sponsor (2)

Beverage Cart Sponsor (2)

A sign with your company name and/or logo will be placed on the beverage cart to be
seen as it travels across the greens. -
A sponsorship announcement on the MDGC website and Facebook page.
Invitation to the Early Bird Reception.
Naming rights for the competition.
A sponsorship announcement on the MDGC website and Facebook page.
Invitation to the Early Bird Reception.

Hit It To Win It Sponsor (2)


Companies who advertise with our hole sponsorship during the tournament will be exposed to a wide range of potential and existing customers during the tournament and afterward.